15 May How Do I Apply For Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

Our dedicated team at Windgap take the time to get to know you and your needs, so we can match you to a home where you’ll have the opportunity to live with people who have similar interests, and where you’ll feel supported, independent and safe.
Each Windgap supported living home caters for each individual’s needs and level of support, and all homes are furnished with the best facilities and quality support so you can build your independence at home.
We know that applying for SIL can be a timely and complex task, however we’re here to help.
We have simplified the steps to give you an overview of the process in our blog, if you have any questions or you’re ready to start the SIL process please contact us, our helpful team are here to assist.
What reports do I need for my SIL application?
The NDIS is an evidence based system and relies on advice from Allied Health Professionals to determine whether someone is eligible for SIL and/or SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Funding.
The main areas that allied health professionals have to address are:
⦁ How significant is the impact of a person’s disability on their mobility, self-care and cognition?
⦁ What type of housing is appropriate for the person?
⦁ What other supports are required to help the person to achieve their housing goals?
The main report required (functional assessment) is written by an Occupational Therapist and will often require around 15-20 hours of funding within your NDIS Plan from the Improved Daily Living category.
This report will need to address why a person is unable to access other suitable housing options (social housing/private rental). If a person is currently living with family the report needs to identify why this is not sustainable (for example, aging parents).
It is also useful to include a Psychology/GP report indicating that from a psychological perspective the person is a suitable candidate for a supported living environment.
A Support Coordinator will also need to submit a detailed housing solutions report that summarises all the information and identifies transition plan for move into supported living.
What happens if I have no funding?
In order to get appropriate funding, you (the NDIS participant) are required to have a goal in your NDIS plan relating to seeking housing. This needs to be listed as either the first or the second goal.
Once this goal has been identified the NDIS should then provide funding in Improved Daily Living and Support Coordination to allow for the appropriate report writing.
If you have not listed this as a goal but are seeking accommodation you can apply for a “Change of Circumstances” with the NDIS.
How do I get Supported Independent Living (SIL) funding?
This is a very commonly asked question! The NDIS is an evidence based system and relies on advice from Allied Health Professionals to determine whether someone is eligible for SIL and/or SDA Funding.
When you go in to your planning meeting, you will need to explain to your planner why SIL funding is reasonable and necessary to your circumstances. Our Support Coordination team are here to help if you need advice or have any questions.
What happens next?
Reports from Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and GPs can be written at any point throughout the plan period. A suitable home does not need to have been sourced for these reports to be prepared.
It is highly recommended that all of these reports are prepared before approaching SIL providers as this makes it easier for the provider to assess suitability.
The Support Coordination Housing Solutions Report is only prepared when a tentative offer of housing has been made.
The Support Coordinator will then send their housing report alongside all of the other supporting evidence to the NDIS. The Provider will submit a SIL Quote and a Roster of Care to the NDIS.
The NDIS SIL team will then assess all evidence and will provide SIL funding if they feel that you are a suitable candidate for supported living. This can sometimes take several weeks or several months to be approved.
Would you like to start your SIL journey?
If you’re interested in progressing with a SIL application, we can help.
Pre-planning and preparing reports can take up to 6 months, so if Supported Living is a goal for you or your family member, please start the process now!
We are available to support you throughout the process. Please register your interest by completing an enquiry below.
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