23 Jun Make Our Community Accessible!

Let’s be honest, most people take accessibly for granted, however this is a reoccurring issue that individuals with mobility barriers face on a reoccurring basis. It is important for your voice to be heard and demand change!
Over 4 million people in Australia have a form of disability (around 1 in 5 Australians). At Windgap, our focus is to ensure that people with disabilities have every opportunity enjoy everyday life and our beautiful outdoor areas and resources within the community. We place a large importance on inclusivity, equal access and empowerment, so life can be lived to its fullest!
On Friday 26 June, Randwick City Council will be hosting a virtual conversation about accessibility for our local Yarra Bay.
This is the perfect opportunity to express your voice about making Yarra Bay more accessible for everyone, and we encourage anybody who has experienced barriers to attend this virtual session.
Date: Friday 26 June, 2020
Time: 11am to 1pm
Location: Link to the virtual session: zoom.us/j/5589353533
Contact (02) 8622 0456 or email capacitybuildingprojects@vinnies.org.au for the password to gain zoom access.
If you are unable to attend but would like to submit feedback, please call or email using the above details to receive a survey.
Let’s create change together!
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