15 Aug National Standards for Disability Services
Recently I was asked at a community forum the following question.
QUESTION: In the new world of NDIS do the National Standards for Disability Services still apply?
RESPONSE: Yes. Around Australia, many people with disability receive a wide range of support services. This might be to support them with daily living, to get a job etc.
Just as a reminder there are 6 standards.
Standard 1: Rights – You have the right to be treated fairly when you use disability services.
Standard 2: Participation and Inclusion – you can take part in the community and feel included when you use disability services.
Standard 3: Individual Outcomes – your service supports you to make choices about what you want to do. You can work towards your goals.
Standard 4: Feedback and Complaints – you can tell people what you think about the services you receive.
Standard 5 : Service access – finding and using services is fair. You can access the services you need.
Standard 6: Service management – disability services should be managed well.
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